The Italian Public TV
Orders Pro-Vatican Censorship

On October 5th, 1998, the management of the Italian public Radio and TV system - RAI - sent the following written instructions, signed by the Director General, to every department of the company.

The instructions first explain that an agreement has just been signed between

The central Committee for the Jubilee of the Vatican and RAI, establishing the privileged role RAI will play in broadcasting the events of the Jubilee, as well as the many commitments the Company will make towards the Holy See for these transmissions."

No mention is made of the financial aspects of the agreement, but we are first of all advised of how the public network is to be "Vaticanized: 

RAIUNO will broadcast the main events of the Jubilee and will deal with

"the relations between the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches, RAIDUE will deal especially with the relations with the great monotheistic religions […]. RAITRE will pay special attention to the role that the most active forces of the major Italian Dioceses will play in the Jubilee".

The Vatican will also receive full support from RAI International, from the Archives Department and from the Theme and Educations Service as well as from the RAI website. 

It is worrying enough to hear that some transmissions will be marked by the "official Jubilee logo" provided by the Vatican. But Vatican overseeing does not stop here at all, it covers the whole production of the public network. Article 5 of the notice says:

"During unofficial broadcasts too, attention must be paid  to avoid  taking any position or making any juxtaposition which clearly contrasts with the editorial policy laid down by mutual agreement for the official programmes."

Miguel Martinez 

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